Looking to start training for your first half ironman but not sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will dive into a 6 month Half Ironman Training Plan designed for intermediate-level triathletes. If you’re new to triathlon start with our FAQ on the Half Ironman.

If you are training for a triathlon shorter than the 70.3, take a look at my training plans for Sprint and Olympic Triathlons.

The 6 Month Training Plan Has Different Phases to Ensure Race Day Success

The plan is divided into four phases: base, build, peak, and taper. Each segment focuses on different aspects of your fitness journey, gradually preparing your body and mind for race day.

For more information on which each phase consists of, the Olympic training plan breaks down these phases in more detail.

WeekSwimBikeRunBRICStrength TrainingWeekly VolumeNotes
1-42x/week: 30 mins (1 km)2x/week: 60 mins (30 km)2x/week: 45 mins (8 km)None2x/week: 30 mins5 hoursFocus on form and building base fitness
5-82x/week: 45 mins (1.5 km)2x/week: 90 mins (45 km)2x/week: 60 mins (10 km)1x/week: 60 mins Bike + 15 mins Run2x/week: 30 mins7.5 hoursGradually increase distance
9-123x/week: 45 mins (1.5 km)3x/week: 90 mins (45 km)3x/week: 60 mins (10 km)1x/week: 90 mins Bike + 30 mins Run2x/week: 30 mins10 hoursIncrease frequency, introduce more brick workouts
13-163x/week: 60 mins (2 km)3x/week: 120 mins (60 km)3x/week: 75 mins (12 km)1x/week: 120 mins Bike + 45 mins Run2x/week: 30 mins13 hoursReach 2/3 race distance in each discipline
17-203x/week: 60 mins (2 km)3x/week: 150 mins (75 km)3x/week: 90 mins (15 km)1x/week: 150 mins Bike + 60 mins Run2x/week: 30 mins16 hoursContinue to build distance and endurance
21-243x/week: 75 mins (2.5 km)3x/week: 180 mins (90 km)3x/week: 105 mins (18 km)1x/week: 180 mins Bike + 75 mins Run2x/week: 30 mins20 hoursReach race distance in each discipline
253x/week: 60 mins (2 km)3x/week: 120 mins (60 km)3x/week: 75 mins (12 km)1x/week: 120 mins Bike + 45 mins Run2x/week: 30 mins13 hoursBegin taper, reduce volume but maintain intensity
262x/week: 45 mins (1.5 km)2x/week: 60 mins (30 km)2x/week: 45 mins (8 km)None1x/week: 30 mins6 hoursTaper continues; reduce volume further; rest and prepare for race day
This plan is designed for intermediate athletes that have a strong aerobic base

Consistency is Key

A Half Ironman triathlon is a significant commitment. Remember to remain patient, listen to your body, and stay consistent. Each day, week, and phase of training is a building block towards race day. Embrace the process, and stay hard!

David Goggins motivational quote for the 6 Month Half Ironman Training Plan.
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