Stop settling for mediocrity. Start each day at 5AM and set yourself up for success.

investing in a 5AM routine will transform your physical strength and performance
Jalen Hurts squatting 500+ lbs at Oklahoma

The Success Compound: How a Strong Morning Routine Can Transform Your Life

It’s 5:00AM on Saturday. The outside world is dark, cold, and uninviting. There’s a little voice in your head, and it’s nagging you to go back to bed. You start to question why you’re here. For a brief moment, you think about sliding back under those covers – back to comfort. That’s the civilized part of your brain talking. Right before you give in, the savage inside you starts to come alive. THIS is what hard feels like, and THIS is why most people take the path of least resistance.

It’s 8:30AM. You sent that bitch voice in your head packing and reminded yourself why you’re here. You set out to become uncommon amongst uncommon people.

By the time the normies are waking up, you’ve already:

  • Conditioned yourself to deal with discomfort
  • Read the Stoics
  • Journaled and reflected upon your goals
  • Put in a 40 mile bike ride around the coast of Manhattan.
  • Mediated while the rest of the city was asleep

Cam Haynes, putting in a 20+ mile hike before the sun comes up

To live is to suffer. To survive is to find some meaning in the suffering

Frederich Nietzche

Embracing Discomfort to Achieve Success

We’ve been conditioned to want the success life offers without any of the struggle it takes to get there. You don’t become successful without enduring day in and day out of discomfort. You internalize that you set out to be the best. And to be the best, you have to go to the extremes where normal people just won’t visit. Establish a strong 5:00AM routine day in and day out and watch the success in your life compound.

The greats have long recognized the power of a strong morning routine. Take Jocko Willinick, who wakes up at 4:00AM to hit the gym and put in two intense workouts before 8:00AM. Or media mogul Oprah Winfrey, who rises at 5:30AM to meditate and focus on personal growth before tackling the demands of her day. These individuals understand that discipline and discomfort are essential ingredients of success.

No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich

Chinese Proverb

Morning Routine Breakdown: Examples of How to Start Your Day Like a Pro

5:00AMWake UpNo way to sugar coat it – wake up at 5:00AM and you’re going to feel like shit.
5:05AMShowerThe best way to win your day is to embrace the suck right when you wake up. For me, that means taking a cold shower in the morning which not only helps me feel more alert, but also gives me a sense of accomplishment to kick off my day.
5:15AM Read Select a book that has the potential to enhance personal development, whether it is a non-fiction or a classic work of fiction that conveys a universal message.
5:45AMJournalThis time gives me much needed headspace to decompress my current stressors and develop mindful practices to overcome them.
6:00AMWorkoutTraining for a half iron man, every minute of my day counts. I need to meticulously plan my schedule to ensure I am making the most of every moment. That’s why the early morning is my the key to my success. Before the rest of the world wakes up, I’m already pushing my limits on the roads and trails. With no distractions, I can focus entirely on my cycling and running, giving me a head start on achieving my daily tasks.
7:45AMPersonal DevelopmentI have about 45 minutes before I start work. I’ll take this time to build out a new business idea or add some thoughts to my blog.
9:00PMBedtimeSleep is an essential component of an effective morning routine, and ensuring adequate rest is crucial for those looking to optimize their performance and productivity throughout the day.

Tomorrow Is Going to Suck, But Remind Yourself Why

Investing in a 5AM structure isn’t just a routine, it’s a mindset. Tomorrow morning, when that bitch voice in your head is sounding off, remind yourself why you do what you do. Embrace the suck, train your mind, and watch yourself soar to new heights.

Having trouble getting started? Check out my post on accountability and why we can all benefit from taking more responsibility for our circumstances.

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