Getting ready for a triathlon? It’s not just about training. It’s just as important to prepare your gear. This triathlon checklist includes everything you’ll need for the swim, bike and run portion of the race, as well as optional gear. Not sure where to start? Check out our triathlon gear recommendations for beginners and age groupers. Let’s jump right in!

Pre-Race Essentials

1. Race Documentation: Remember to bring your ID, registration confirmation, and race waiver. Without these, you might not be able to participate!

2. Triathlon Suit: Your tri-suit is designed to be worn for the swim, bike, and run. It’s quick-drying, padded for the bike, and won’t chafe during the run.

3. Timing Chip and Strap: Don’t forget this vital piece of kit. It tracks your time and is usually worn around the ankle. Here’s what happens if you lose it.

Swim Gear

Swim Gear: Triathlon Checklist

4. Swim Cap: This might be provided by the race organizers, but it’s good to have one just in case.

5. Goggles: Bring an extra pair in case of loss or damage.

6. Wetsuit: If your race allows it, a wetsuit can keep you warm and help with buoyancy.

7. Body Glide or Petroleum Jelly: Apply this to areas that could chafe in your wetsuit.

Bike Gear

Bike Gear: Triathlon Checklist

8. TT or Road Bike

9. Helmet: Preferably aero dynamic and approved by USAT

10. Cycling Shoes

11. Sunglasses: Built in helmet visor is an acceptable alternative

12. Water Bottles with Electrolytes

13. Bike Repair Kit: This should include at least a spare tube, tire levers, and a mini pump or CO2 cartridge.

14. Bike Computer or Watch: If you track your speed or distance, don’t forget your tech!

Run Gear

Run Gear: Triathlon Checklist

15. Running Shoes

16. Cap or Visor

17. Race Belt: A race belt makes it easy to display your race number without poking holes in your clothing.

Nutrition and Hydration

18. Energy Gels or Bars: You’ll need fuel during the race. Stick with what you’ve trained with to avoid upset stomachs.

19. Electrolytes: These can help prevent cramping and dehydration.

20. Post-Race Snack: Trust us, you’ll be hungry. Pack something easy to eat for recovery.

Other Essentials

21. Sunscreen

22. Towel: Useful for drying off after the swim and laying out your gear in transition.

23. Transition Bag: A bag to carry all your gear can be helpful. Here’s how to pack it.

24. Plastic Bags: These can keep your gear dry in case of rain.

25. First Aid Kit

26. Fitness Watch / Wearable