Why I Started Gains & Growth
During the pandemic, I stumbled upon the powerful philosophy of Stoicism. Along with the stories of influential speakers, like David Goggins, Stoicism taught me that it was time to take responsibility for my own actions.
I started this blog as a tool for my own personal self improvement. It occurred to me that one of the best ways to learn is to teach others.
Since starting this blog, I’ve grown, and the blog’s content has grown with it. These days, I write about the topic that captivates my interest at the moment. Right now, it’s real estate investing and triathlons.
I continue to write about my personal journey, although it is no longer the focus of this blog. Overcoming adversity remains the central narrative of my individual growth.
Each self improvement article was written because it has been instrumental in shaping my personal growth. I firmly believe that one of the best ways to grow is to own your flaws unconditionally.
This includes writing about them openly and candidly, which is why you may come across articles that touch topics that can be considered taboo or controversial.
It’s my hope that this vulnerability will also encourage others to own their insecurities and continue their growth as individuals.

My Background
Growing up surrounded by financiers in the suburbs of New York City, I developed a passion for finance at a young age. I bought my first stock at 13 and traded my first option before graduating high school.
As I matured, I realized that my interests were more about understanding the role of risk in our lives, and less about conventional finance.
In college, I discovered poker, and played more than 10,000 online hands during the COVID-19 pandemic. After studying business at the University of Michigan, I moved to Chicago to start my first job as a Management Consultant.
My passions come to life through my side hobbies. In 2022, as part of my search for discomfort, I completed my first triathlon. I am training for my first Half Ironman this summer.
Through training, I’ve learned the power of learning through suffering, and the dedication required to be exceptional.
Triathlon training consumes much of my training bandwidth. When I am not tri-training, I love to powerlift and grind in the gym.
In addition to training, I am an active real estate investor in Binghamton, NY. I bought my first investment property in 2023.
I’m always pushing my limits, seeking discomfort and growth. As part of my growth, I deleted my conventional social media accounts. However, you can follow me on LinkedIn and Strava, or track my reading progress on Goodreads. You can also join the community by subscribing to the blog.